The XUV 700 AX5 PET MT 7 STR CSD Canteen price is Rs 1679343 Ex showroom in Delhi city. It will cost Approx. Rs 1958876 on road including road tax, insurance and other additional charges. Defence person of pay level (Eligibilty) are eligible to buy XUV 700 AX5 PET MT 7 STR through CSD Canteen in Delhi city.
if you want to buy CSD price..9330147669 only for west bengal
please add all the variants so that we can think to buy
Why Base model of XUV 700 is not available through CSD
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The XUV 700 AX5 PET MT 7 STR CSD Canteen price is Rs 1679343 Ex showroom in Delhi city. It will cost Approx. Rs 1958876 on road including road tax, insurance and other additional charges. Defence person of pay level (Eligibilty) are eligible to buy XUV 700 AX5 PET MT 7 STR through CSD Canteen in Delhi city.
if you want to buy CSD price..9330147669 only for west bengal
please add all the variants so that we can think to buy
Why Base model of XUV 700 is not available through CSD
OR ke liye kob tok lagu hoga
3.6 5 Ratings
3.6 5 Ratings
3.6 5 Ratings
3.6 5 Ratings