Advance quota in CSD
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Advance liquor and grocery facility will start in CSD canteen.

Before 2019, defense personnel could buy liquor for two months in advance from CSD canteens. But this facility was discontinued by changing the policy in CSD canteens.  For your information, let us tell you that this policy has been changed again. After the implementation of the new policy, the defense person will be able to buy liquor as well as groceries in advance for 2 months.

CSD Canteen New Policy

According to the new policy of CSD canteen, serving and ESM will be able to take 2 months part quota or full quota together. Advance quota can be taken only after the quota for the ongoing month is exhausted. Full quota of liquor can also be taken in advance or part quota can be taken as per the requirement.

In the case of liquor, the defense person will get the facility of roll over. For example, if you have 5 bottle entitlements in your CSD card every month, then you can take 10 bottles together in October in which you will get liquor quota for October and November. In the month of November, 5 bottles of quota for December can be purchased in advance. Similarly, in the month of December, the entitlement of January can be purchased. This is called roll over.

Now let's talk about purchasing grocery in advance. For example, if you have a grocery entitlement of Rs 5500 per month in your CSD canteen smart card, then you will be able to purchase two months of grocery in advance. That is, you can buy a grocery worth Rs 11000 together. In addition, the quantity limit of the product will also be doubled. Roll over facility is not available in grocery. If the CSD Smart Card user does the grocery purchase for the month of September and October together in the month of September, then he cannot do the advance grocery purchase of November in October. In the case of grocery, the months are made in groups of two. If you want to purchase grocery in advance, then you will have to purchase grocery for 2 months simultaneously.

The photo of this policy letter is given below from which you can get complete information.

Liquor quota in CSD

For your information, let us tell you that this policy is not implemented yet. This policy will be applicable from 1 January 2023. From January 1, 2023, all defense persons will be able to purchase grocery and liquor in advance.

This is a very commendable step taken by the CSD department. This will also reduce the congestion in the CSD and it will also save time of the defense person while purchasing items. Those who live away from Cantt area or CSD canteen will now be able to buy grocery for 2 months at a time, due to which they will not need to visit CSD canteen every month.

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