CSD new policy
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CSD Canteen new policy applicable from 1st January 2023

CSD canteen is an important facility for serving and retired defense personnel. From January 1, 2023, there have been 3 changes in the CSD canteen policy, which is very important for the defense person to know. In this post, we will tell about those 3 important rules. The first most important update is about the limit for buying a car from CSD canteen.

CSD canteen car purchase new policy

From January 1, 2023, there has been a major change in the rule of buying a car from CSD canteen. Earlier serving and retired defense personnel were able to buy cars up to a limit from the CSD canteen according to their pay level. From January 1, 2023, this limit has been increased. After the limit is exceeded, now the defense person can also buy a higher priced car through the CSD canteen. After exceeding the limit, the eligibility to purchase CSD canteen car has also changed. As per the new eligibility, the prices of CSD Canteen have been updated in Fouji Adda App. You can check the price & eligibility details by going to the CSD section of the app.

CSD Canteen Advance Liquor & Grocery Facility

Prior to the year 2019, defense personnel were able to purchase liquor for two months at a time from the CSD canteen and the facility of taking advance liquor was also available. But after 2019, this facility was discontinued. For your information, let us tell you that this facility has started again from January 1, 2023. Now, along with advance liquor, defense personnel can also purchase two months' grocery from the CSD canteen. However, rollover facility is not provided in grocery. That is, after purchasing groceries for two months at once, advance grocery purchases cannot be made for the next month.

If you want information about it in detail, then you can check in the news section.
Now coming to the third important update which is about CSD Canteen Smart Card Renewal.

CSD Canteen Smart Card Renewal

As all defense persons know, Ex-Servicemen, their dependents or ESM Widows had to renew their CSD Smart Card every year by visiting CSD Canteen. Otherwise, smart card billing could not be done. Due to the distance of CSD canteen and also due to crowd in CSD, ESM used to face a lot of trouble. But from January 1, 2023, the renewal of CSD Smart Card has also stopped. 

The renewal process of the smart card was done so that the smart card could be closed after the death of the ESM. After this update, the work of deactivation of canteen card will be done through Sparsh. Detailed information about this can be obtained by going to the news section.

These were the 3 important policy changes of CSD canteen which have come into effect from 1 January 2023.

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