CSD card renewal online
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No need to renew CSD Smart Card annually.

ESM, Veer Nari and Civil Defense employees have to renew CSD smart cards every year. For renewal they have to visit the Unit Run Canteen. If the CSD smart card is not renewed, then the smart card cannot be billed. There are no special counters for renewing smart cards. That's why ESM and Veer Nari have to wait for a lot of time in URC. Considering all these problems, a commendable step has been taken. A letter has been issued by the QMG branch on 21st September 2022, according to which the process of renewing the CSD smart card anually has been changed.

Initially, the process of renewing CSD smart card every year was started so that ESM, Veer Nari and Civil Defense employees who have died, can be traced at the time of renewal and their smart card can be deactivated. . But now the deactivation work will be done with the help of PCDA and Sparsh. A mechanism is being set up for this. This process will start from 1st January 2023 and till then the CSD smart card holder will have to renew the card.

Instructions have also been issued to the CSD canteens that the URC should also ensure that only valid card holders can enter the CSD canteens for shopping. For more details, you can see the copy of this letter below.

CSD smart card renewal

If an ESM dies and it is reported to the URC, URC has been given instructions to follow the points given below:-

  1. Once the death of the ESM is intimated, the URC will advise the ESM's widow or NOK to apply for a new CSD smart card.
  2. The URC will help in making the CSD smart card in priority.
  3. Until the new canteen card is ready, Widow or NOK will be able to buy the same from CSD canteen with the old card.
  4. Once the new card is ready, the old card will be deactivated upon receipt of new card.

This was the latest instruction regarding CSD smart card. If you liked this post, then do share it with other defense person.


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