DGR Security Service
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How to start DGR Empanel Security Service?

Defense person searches through job or self employment after retirement. In this phase, ESM's DGR (Directorate General of Resettlement) helps through various schemes. One of these schemes is the DGR Empanel Security Agency Scheme. In this post we will understand each and every detail of DGR Empanel Security Agency Scheme, how it can be started and how it works.

DGR Empanel Security Agency Scheme

As per Government of India's Department of Public Enterprise's Office Memorandum No.6/22/93-GL-15-DPE(SC/ST) dated 01 Feb 1994, all CPSUs and CPSEs have to take security service through DGR so that maximum ESM can get employment. Therefore, all CPSUs and CPSEs like BHEL, BPCL, CIL, GAIL, HPCL, IOCL, NTPC, ONGC and other public companies need security cover, then they take it from DGR Sponsored Security Service.

These public companies send their security requirements to the DGR from time to time and the DGR sponsors allot the vacancies to the security agency as per the rules.

DGR empanels two types of security services.

  1. Individual ESM Security Service - For Officers Only
  2. State Government ESM Corporation

Now let's talk about how to empanel the security agency with DGR so that we can get the security guard vacancies coming in DGR.

Eligibility for empanelment of security agency with DGR

  • Must be of the rank of Ex-Serviceman.
  • He should be a citizen of India.
  • Age of ESM should be less than 60 years at the time of applying.
  • One should not be dismissed from the army on the basis of discipline.
  • One should not avail any welfare scheme like self employment or job from DGR before applying for the security agency.
  • Should not be in Indian Army, CPSU or State Government job after retirement.
  • If the state ESM corporation is empaneled by DGR then it should be approved in that state and it can operate only in that state to which that ESM organization belongs.

Process for Empanel

  1. Eligible Ex-servicemen can apply online for Security Agency Empanel by visiting the official website of DGR. After applying online, take a print of the application and send the hard copy to the DGR office. If you apply for ESM offline, then the applications are hosted by the DGR office on the website so that you can check the status of the application online.
  2. After this, the applications are checked by DGR and if there is any observation or deficiency within a week, it is sent to ESM through online and offline medium.
  3. After this, the security agency is empaneled within 15 days. Under DGR sponsorship, ESM's security agency can operate in only one state, although it is allowed to change the state once during the entire empanel period.
  4. On the basis of the date of ESM's security agency DGR empanel registration, a state wise list is prepared which you can also call the seniority list. Based on this list, ESM gets the sponsorship of security guards. 
  5. The ESM can apply for DGR sponsorship as soon as the retirement warning letter is received, which gives his/her seniority from the date of registration but the sponsorship is available only after retirement.

Important Documents and Rules

Now let's talk about the important documents to start a security agency, which are to be prepared in order to start an ESM security agency. Even if you do not empanel the security agency with DGR, you still need these documents for the security agency.

  1. PSARA (Private Security Agency Regulation Act) license - PSARA license is mandatory to start a security agency. You can get it ready yourself or can also get it repaired with the help of a third party service provider. We will cover the complete process and eligibility of the PSARA license in the next post.
  2. Labor License - The security agency also has to obtain a labor license from the labor department. Only after that you can operate the security agency.
  3. GST Number - If the annual turnover of the security agency is more than 40 lakhs, then GST registration is also required.
  4. Security Agency Office - The security agency also has to set up an office in an authorized area which must have a landline phone and fax. All the courses are done by the DGR office on this address. According to the DGR Empanel, ESM cannot share this office space with any other business and office rent agreement has to be submitted to DGR office within 1  months of getting the first contract.

Security Guard and Service Fee Details

Guard Quota - Individual ESM Security Agency gets DGR sponsorship of maximum 120 Guard Years and this sponsorship is valid for 2 years i.e. Security Agency gets maximum 120 Guard DGR sponsorship in a year. Whereas ESM Corporation gets maximum 1000 guard years.

Guard Employment - 90% of the security guards should be retired defense persons by the individual security agency whereas the ESM corporation has to employ 100% of the guard ESMs. The maximum age of Security Guard and Supervisor is 65 years.

Guard Salary and Security Agency Service Fee - Security guards get salary as per the minimum wage of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. Apart from this, there are standard deductions like PPF etc. deposits as per the government rules. Security guard and supervisor get 1.33 time salary of security guard's salary, if security guard and supervisor do duty in far flung and dangerous places like coal fields, mines then they are given 25% extra allowance. The security agency gets a service fee of 14% on the salary of each guard that he earns.

This was important information related to DGR sponsorship, security guard agency. If you liked this information, then definitely share it with other ESM. If you want to know about any topic then you can post in community section. Fouji Adda team will try to provide that information to you.



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