As you know, the pensioner has to submit life certificate for identification once in a year. If someone does not submit the life certificate, then their pension stops from the next month. Identification of most of the defense pensioners is also due in November, the last date of which is 30 November. For your information, let us tell you that a circular related to this, has been issued on the website of CGDA (Controller General of Defense Account).
As per this circular, the defense pensioners whose annual identification is due in November and their pension has been migrated from Bank to Sparsh, have been given extension of 3 months payment.
Which means that for the next 3 months, there will be no interruption in the pension of these pensioners due to annual identification. This extension is only for pensioners migrated from Bank to Sparsh. Apart from this, no more information has been shared in the circular.
The reason for this could be that many pensioners have done their identification through the bank this year also. That's why time is required to update that data of Jeevan Pramaan from Bank to Sparsh. Therefore, this extension has been given so that the pensioner does not face any problem due to this. However, the reason for extension is not mentioned in the circular.
A copy of this circular can be seen below.
If you like this information, then definitely share this news with the defense person. Because there are many such pensioners who have submitted life certificate in the bank and they have not received any message from Sparsh. That's why they are worried that the pension should not stop. So do share this post with ESM by clicking on the share button above. Click here to get Defense Welfare News on Telegram.