ESM Daughter marriage scheme
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Rupees 50,000 financial assistance scheme for the marriage of daughter of ESM

This ESM scheme is applicable to Pensioner/Non-pensioner Ex-Serviceman (ESM), Navy/Air Force ESM of Havildar and equivalent rank. The scheme was started in 1981 with Rs 3,000 per daughter. This scheme was earlier revised in May 2007. In which the amount for marriage was increased from Rs 3000 to Rs 16,000 per daughter.

This amount is available for the marriage of maximum two daughters. Thereafter on 16 July 2015 it is recommended that the marriage grant in RAO/ESM/widows be increased from Rs.16,000 per daughter to Rs.50,000 per daughter (maximum two daughters).

Financial assistance for the marriage of ESM's daughter

AFFDF is paid for ESM or marriage of widow's daughters at the rate of Rs 50,000 per daughter/widow who is married after 1st April 2016. Only ESM up to the rank of Havildar can take advantage of this scheme.

Eligibility Condition

  • Applicant must be an ESM or his widow.
  • The rank of ESM should be Havildar or below.
  • The age of the daughter should be above 18 years.
  • Should be recommended by the concerned ZSB (Zilla Sainik Board).
  • No financial grant should be received from the state government for this marriage.

Application form and required documents

  1. ESM / Widows / Dependents (DEPENDENTS) get themselves registered online at KSB web site: Then apply online for marriage grant. All the below mentioned documents should be scanned and uploaded along with the application form.
  2. The discharge book/document should contain entry about the daughter.
  3. Documents (such as PAN card, Aadhar card, matriculation mark sheet) should be proof of daughter's age.
  4. Proof of Marriage – Certificate (Marriage Certificate) from the Registrar/Village Sarpanch.
  5. A certificate is needed from the applicant (ESM) that he/she has not taken any money/assistance/grant from the concerned state government/services in connection with the marriage of his/her daughter.
  6. The details of the bank account number (in PNB/SBI only) i.e. IFS code, account number, and name of the bank should be there.
  7. Applicant should have copy (photocopy) of ESM / Widow / Dependent Aadhar Card.

Application channel

For this scheme of ESM Welfare, ESM / Widows / Dependents have to register themselves online on the web site Then select the scheme (SCHEME). Fill out the online form for marriage grant.

The application then reaches the respective ZSB (Zilla Sainik Board) online. ZSB employees verify the application. The District Sainik Board officer recommends the matter. 

After this sends to RSB. Where the secretary recommends the RSB application code and sends it to the KSB (Central Military Board).
After verifying the KSB, the money is transferred to the respective account through NEFT. Share this post as much as possible so that all eligible ESM can take advantage of it.

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