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Dearness Allowance may be increased by 4% from January 1, 2023

Dearness allowance is increased twice every year in the salary of central employees. Dearness allowance is given according to the consumer price index. Dearness allowance is increased according to the consumer price from January to June, which is implemented from July 1. For the second time, dearness allowance is increased according to the CPI (Consumer Price Index) from July to December, which is implemented from January 1. 

The data of CPI from 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022 has been released, according to which dearness allowance will be increased from 1 January 2023.

How much DA will be applicable from 1st January 2023.

According to the CPI data from July to December 2022, the dearness allowance may be increased by 4%.  At present the Central Government Employees get 38% Dearness Allowance. According to the data of CPI index, this dearness allowance can be increased by 4% to 42%, which will be applicable to central employees from January 1, 2023. For your information, let us tell you that about 1 crore central employees and pensioners will benefit from the increase in DA, which also includes defense personnel. 

Speaking to PTI, Shiv Gopal Mishra, General Secretary of All India Railwaymen's Federation, said that the CPI data for December 2022 has been released by the Labor Bureau, according to which the dearness allowance is estimated to be 4.23% higher. But the government will not increase DA in decimal, so DA can increase by 4% to 42%.

General Secretary Shiv Gopal Mishra said that the Expenditure Department of the Finance Ministry will prepare a proposal for DA, which will be sent to the Union Cabinet for approval. After getting the approval of the Union Cabinet, its notification will be issued by the Central Government.

If we talk about the whole process, then after the approval, the DA increase can be announced by the central government in the month of March. After this, DA will be implemented from January 1, 2023 and its arrears can be credited in April salary.

How much salary will increase from DA?

If we talk about how much salary will increase due to 4% DA increase, then for this a calculator has been given in Fouji Adda blog. You can calculate the increase in salary by using the DA calculator. Salary related details have to be entered in the calculator and enter how much DA has been increased. Like now there is an estimate of 4% DA increase, then you have to enter 4. After that click on Calculate DA. After that, the amount of increase in salary will come.

If you want, you can also calculate the total DA from this. To calculate the total DA, you have to enter the total DA, which is currently 38%. If you are a pensioner, then you have to enter basic pension in Basic Pay and select 0 in MSP, Group X Pay and Class Pay. After that click on Calculate DA. In this way, pensioners can know the DA amount that will increase. You can visit Fouji Adda blog to use DA calculator. Click here to visit Fouji Adda Blog.

For your information, let us tell you that the official announcement of DA of January 2023 has not been done yet and the given DA has been estimated on the basis of CPI.

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